Safety First: Why Keep A Car First Aid Kit?

Driving along roads isn’t completely safe and come with risks so we must maintain safety first.  Even an experienced driver can find themselves involved in accidents from time to time. Every year 1.35 million people die from road accidents or injuries and around 50 million people are injured worldwide. The mortality rate is ever-growing as more transportation infrastructures are being developed.

Among all road accidents occurring on a daily basis, only a significant amount is lethal and cause deaths. So, it does not mean we should be careless and not have any safety provisions. It is a must to have a medical kit with you at all times while on the road.

Importance of a car first aid kit

While on the road it is very important to take safety as a first priority. With a car first aid kit, you are ensured that any individual alongside with you is in good hands. Having a kit by your side can be very helpful in many ways.

Help save lives: Having a medical kit can be essential to save a person’s life in the event of an accident.

Emergency Preparedness:  For any road incidents and occurrences that may happen, you are always prepared to tackle them. Any injury or wound which does not requires a professional’s help can be maintained and taken care of by you.

Quick Response: When there is no clinic nearby, a kit can solve the issue at hand and let you continue on the trip. If a serious injury has been sustained, time is of the essence and so until help arrives you can ease the pain or stop the wound from being more lethal by using the medical kit.

When to seek help?

First-aid kits are designed to assist treat minor injuries and other minor illnesses right away. If you have a major issue, such as a head injury or a huge cut that won't stop bleeding, phone for assistance or go straight to the emergency department. It is important to know when an injury is serious and can be lethal to the victim. Look for some clues by analyzing changes in the victim’s behaviors like being very distressed, pain not going away, large amount of blood loss which is not stopping and sometimes even losing consciousness.

Until a medical professional or an ambulance arrives, a car first aid kit can maintain the injury from being critically worse. It can stabilize open wounds, comfort the victim’s pain, stop blood loss and even disinfect harmful bacteria. By having a kit by your side, if an individual ever comes across an accident or witness one, they can provide basic first aid as required.

Having a kit with you at all times isn’t limited on the road or accidents only. This way you can be always prepared for treating wounds while travelling. Just simply by having a medical kit nearby with you can be a great source a comfort, particularly with those who are prone to injuries.


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